Dear Family,
First I want to tell my angel of a mother Happy Mother's Day! Mom I hope you have a great day and that everyone is good to you :) Thank you for all you do for me and for the world in general. I hope your day is splendid. I love you SOOO much! I wanted to get a letter to you before Sunday but I am sorry that probably won't happen :( I just came from the temple because every p day we go to the temple at 6:30 in the morning to do a session. It was so beautiful and I wanted to stay there forever. While in the temple I thought about my family and how grateful I am to have been blessed with the family that I have. I couldn't help but tear up a little thinking of you all. I thought I loved you all before my mission but being here for only 5 weeks has helped me realize that I love my family so much and I am so thankful for the knowledge of the Plan that Father has created for us. I cannot wait to teach people about this truth and see the light in their eyes when they too realize that the can be with their families forever. What a wonderful doctrine to hold in our hearts.
Once again this week as been super busy but very good. Thanks to everyone once again for the letters and emails and sweet messages :) I appreciate all of them and I am sorry if I haven't written everyone back that has written to me :( But please know that my love is there and that I am so thankful for everything everyone has done. Mom and dad it was great hearing the news from home. Thank you for all of that :) I love the babysitting stories because they make me laugh so hard :) I also appreciated that insight you gave me about that book you are reading mom, thank you :) You know, I have been reading lots about giving all my heart, might, mind, and strength to the Lord so what you told me went right along with that. In D&C 4 it says to give all your heart, might, mind, and strength to the Lord. I have never really thought about all of those things carefully. Being on a mission though, I have realized that the STRENGTH part of that really is true. I thought about that for a while, about giving up all of our strength to the Lord. And then I thought well if i do that, then how am I going to have strength to do the Lord's work? Then I thought more and realized that when we give up all of OUR OWN strength in service of the Lord and His work, that is when we receive HIS strength. A scripture in Philippians says that we can do all things, through the Lord who gives us strength. There are also so many other scriptures that I was able to study about this topic. We receive His strength when we give up ours in service to Him. At least that is what I got from studying it ha :) That really has helped me though and I do I appreciate that insight mom :) Dad thank you for your dear elder as well. I always appreciate your wonderful advice and love :)
This is random but very funny. So there is an Elder in my district named Elder Marrow. Well we were practicing a hymn to sing in church on Sunday next and he was telling the guys that they needed to sing bass or "the low notes". Well when they started singing (including Elder Marrow), they all just sang random low notes and no idea what they were doing. But when we finished the song, Elder Marrow says, "Okay that was a lot better guys." HAHAHAHA it was sooo funny! And maybe you had to be there but it was just so cute and great and I got a good laugh from that :)
The Argentine Consul came on Monday and we went to visit with him and we signed so papers and it was pretty simple. He talked to us a lot about Argentina and I got really excited about it. I can't wait to get there! He was super nice too. He is white with blond hair and blue eyes which was kinda funny to me ha :) So hopefully I will get my visa soon! One thing he said about Argentina was "If you go there, you can't escape soccer." YES!! I was happy about that :) I think it will be fun to play with the little kids even though they will kick my trash I am sure ha :)
Chad Lewis came on Sunday and talked to us for the devotional. His message was so amazing. He is a former BYU football player and then played in the NFL as well. His talk was like a spiritual pep talk before a game that is for sure. He mostly just reminded us of why we are on missions and what our purpose is and that we are where we are supposed to be. He told us some inspiring stories and after his talk, our district was so pumped up and we just wanted to be missionaries forever. It was great! :)
I had the wonderful opportunity of hosting on Wednesday and it was so much fun. I hosted a foreign sister from Seoul Korea :) I asked her if she knew an Elder Bennett but no luck ha :) She was the sweetest sister and I was able to help her with some things she needed to do. She showed up in pants because she just came from the airport I believe. She was great and just so excited to be a missionary. She was attending BYU Hawaii and studying music before she came out. She plays the violin :) As I watched the families say goodbye to their kids, I couldn't believe that I was doing that exact same thing just 5 weeks ago. It was a precious moment for me seeing the families and their love for each other. Of course it made me miss my family again but it was neat to be on the other side this time, helping the sisters that were just getting to the MTC. I loved it and it wanted to keep doing it because it just made me so happy!
Things with my comp and I are great. We can mostly say everything we want to say in our comp prayers now. We set a goal a few weeks ago to only pray in spanish in our comp prayers and so we have been trying to do that and now we can see the difference from when we first started doing them all in spanish. It is still hard to teach a spanish lesson everyday but I can definitely see that the gift of tongues is a real gift from God and I am so thankful for it.
I wish I was a faster typer or something because time is almost up and this email is really short and I still had TONS to say. How am I going to do this Mom and Dad, it just stresses me out! I am sorry if my emails are just lacking in information and if they contain useless information. I want so badly to just call you both up and tell you about everything! It is driving me nuts that I have so much to say and can't say it all. But anyway, thank you for the calling card number and also for the picture of the house :) My skirts and outfits are already falling a part ha. Mom I don't know if you can do this but I never have time to organize this email account of mine and I don't know if you can or even want to do it but if you had time could you maybe do something to organize it? I don't want to place anything hard on you so if that will be too hard then that is fine :) I am worried about my luggage weighting too much because I have all these new spanish books and such and so I hope it all works out :/ I just feel like I don't know how do anything! So many people have written to me and I have not responded to them because I just can't. Can you please tell my grandparents that I love them so much and I am so sorry that I haven't written them yet but that I am thankful for their letters and I love them so much.
Things are great and it is hard but like I say all the time, the Lord is walking beside His missionaries and I can feel that. I am praying for my family and friends everyday and I am so thankful for all of you. I love being on my mission because it is helping me realize so many things that I thought I knew already. The love of Heavenly Father is one of those things. I cannot wait to be in the field and experience great things there. Oh! This sister is going to St. George on her mission and was wanting to know if anyone we know of wants to hear the Gospel message, if y'all know of anyone, just let me know and I will tell her, she leaves on Wednesday :) Love you all and thanks again for everything! Hope everyone has a great week and I hope all of the Mothers that receive this email have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!
Hermana Syphus :)
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