Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 57 (May 5, 2014 Parque Chacabuco, Argentina)

Dearest Parents :)
This email will be pretty short but I will try to get everything in that happened this week! :) We went on exchanges again and I was able to go to Parque Patricios with Hermana Rogerson. She is such a great missionary and helped me remember how to teach simply and with the Holy Ghost. I love exchanges so much because I learn things from the other Hermanas that Heavenly Father needs me to learn in order to become a better missionary and person! When I was with her we taught a man that has been taught by the missionaries for a long time now and can´t get baptized because he can´t stop smoking. Well we met with him and he told us that he had not been smoking for three days and that he had never done that before. Hermana Rogerson was very happy and we were able to say a prayer with him thanking Heavenly Father for his help. This was a neat experience that I had with Hermana Rogerson :)
Also, Roberto Antonio Soliz Rocha was confirmed on Sunday! :) I can´t remember if i mentioned this last week but we were able to find a shirt and tie for him and he looked so nice! His confirmation was very beautiful. I love listening to the blessing when they are receiving the Holy Ghost. The hermano that confirmed him in the prayer blessed him to be a light to his family and friends and to serve a mission in the near future. Roberto and Yoselin both really want to serve missions and we are working on helping them with that! We talked about the priesthood the other day and Roberto is preparing to receive it hopefully this week! :)
We are teaching a young man named Brian and he is 18 years old. Yesterday he came to church and has now been two times and loves it! He was able to stay this time for the baptism that the elders had and this week we are going to be passing by almost everyday to help him prepare for his baptism this Sunday hopefully! Also, Cristian or German is the little brother of Roberto and Yoselin and Alejandra and he should be getting baptized this week as well if all goes well!
I don´t have lots of time left to share about my birthday but it was a great day!! :) We we on exchanges from Wednesday to Thursday so I was with a different Hermana on the morning of my birthday. But when we were getting to know each other the day before, she asked me when my birthday was and I told her that it was actually the next day haha. In the morning she made me a sign and gave me some ice cream that they had! It was such a nice surprise!! Then I got home and my comp had made some signs as well! We had a normal day and did our visits and had weekly planning (every thursday) and it was great! But we were able to each lunch with one of my favorite families and she made a cake for me! I will send more pics next week and talk about it better! Then at the end of the day we went to the Rocha´s house and they had made a cake, pizza, asado, and everything! It was so great and so special!! I loved completing 21 years on my mission! It was really a great day thanks so the people here and my friends and family at home as well! Mom I was not able to write anyone at all a thank you. I am not sure if I will ever have time for that :( Sorry for the short email. I can explain more about my bday next email if you want but it really was just a normal missionary day with a fun little fiesta at the end of the day! I think just being a missionary for my birthday is the best thing ever so it was very enjoyable!! :)
Love you both so much and let everyone know I love them and tell them hi! Hope to have a better email next week! Thanks for EVERYTHING!!
Con Amor, Hermana Syphus

 Birthday cake made by the Rocha family
 Ayelin Rocha and the card she made me for my birthday.  
It was a drawing of their family, us and her dogs.  So cute!
 My birthday party given by the Rocha family

 Home made pizzas too!

 Questions from mom:
So Alejandra was baptized on April 13 and her sister, Yoselin the week after....right?  Any idea what their last names are for your chart?
Yoselin was baptized on April 20 and Alejandra was baptized on Abril 6 but confirmed Abril 13 :) And their full names are: Alejandra Soliz Rocha, and Yoselin Rosario Soliz 

Any luck with getting your pics to download on the computer?  If not, we can  wait to see everything when you get home.
I think it will work, it just depends on the computer. But time is usually the problem. My comps always seem to be able to send pics and I don´t know what my problem is with time. I want to fix it though. My actually, right now my camera is not working :( I brought it to the Rocha´s house on Thurday for my birthday and my comp had it in her hand and acidentally dropped it on the ground and the lens went crookerd so it wont take pics now. Luckily the night was ending and we got pics taken but we have to fix it somehow. I sure hope it will be ok! I still have 5 months and I need to take pictures!! :/
How has your tummy been since that one night a couple of weeks ago?  I hope you are well.  I wanted to ask last week, but not having a computer for a whole week was AWFUL!!!  I'm definitely spoiled!
Haha :) It is a lot better and was better in a few days :) Thanks for asking me mom
How is your luggage holding out?  I need to get some for Joel and wanted to make sure yours was doing alright before I ordered the same kind for him.  We took Shaun's with us to Branson and his is a piece of junk.  The wheels didn't roll right and we had to carry it most of the time.
Man that really stinks :/ My luggage is doing great!!! :) It is still really good intact and everything and there seems to be no problems :) Roberto told me that he is going to come with me to the US in my luggage when I leave for home haha. I told him that I would have one with him, one with alfajores and dulce de leche, and the other with my missionary memories haha.
For your blog, I need pics of Alejandra and Yoselin and Roberto for their baptisms as well as Hernan and Evelyn...but like I said, it can wait until you get home if you can't get it to work.
Man I haven´t seny pics of the Rocha familia yet?! How bad am I!! You guys need to see them! I am sorry for my sending pictures problem! I will try to send them today! 

AND...any idea about your call home for Mother's Day in 2 weeks?  Just needed to know if it will be a skype again or a call so I can get Erik's expertise on the Skype :)  Can't wait!!!
SUNDAY but we don´t know where yet! :) 

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